Otterbox// #DoYourThingAlready

Worked with OtterBox to help launch their new OtterBox Lifestyle channel with a gen-z campaign focused on bringing awareness to #DoYourThingAlready by instilling the notion of You Got This.


Director of Creative Strategy


The strategy was centered around utilizing gen-z creators by showing them enjoying spring activities and provoking audiences to follow suit. The social channels of these selected creators were also utilized to run a customized paid media campaign to reach gen-z audiences and drive them to the OtterBox Lifestyle series landing page.

41 original posts

724,448 unique reach

1,456,867 impressions

60,229 engagements

8.31% engagement rate


Creator Team

Ashley Masse

Audience: 112,000

Total Impressions: 193,627

Total Engagements: 25,235

Bree Cevaal

Audience: 20,000

Total Impressions: 406,201

Total Engagements: 4,951

Tess & Sarah

Audience: 316,000

Total Impressions: 290,478

Total Engagements: 17,953

Shelby Kleiman

Audience: 31,600

Total Impressions: 190,643

Total Engagements: 4,744

Brock DeHaven

Audience: 16,200

Total Impressions: 136,322

Total Engagements: 3,574

Chloe Montoya

Audience: 21,100

Total Impressions: 92,041

Total Engagements: 1,599

The Results?

41 authentic social posts distributed through the channels of gen-z urban lifestyle influences, reaching 724k unique people and more than 600k engagements.

Published Content

20 social posts contracted

41 social posts achieved


8 Instagram Posts

33 Instagram Stories


60,229 engagements

8.31% engagement rate*


9,671 consumptions

2,086 post shares/saves


500,000 contracted

724,448 achieved


638,498 Instagram

85,950 Instagram Stories